mobile playground

CoccoleBimbi presents: CoccoleBimbi Playground

2 minute read

CoccoleBimbi Playground

CoccoleBimbi is growing fast introducing a new product category called CoccoleBimbi Playground. With an innovative design, it sinks its roots in the vintage era, with a selection of toys for kids that have never been so funny. From the classic peluche, timeless best friend, to puzzles, constructions and even bikes. 100% recycled products and sustainable, this selection staying faithful to milestones values of the company: cruelty free, eco-friendly and avant-garde, to always be one step ahead compared to competitors.

Baby Toys

And there’s more: CoccoleBimbi Playground presents a huge selection for newborns with lots of set “first steps”, first lunch, soothers, all to grow safely.

Green and Sustainable

In fact, all selected brands are GOTS certified (Global Organic Textile Standard) to guarantee quality and care on each product sold. A big news that can not miss in their bedroom.

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