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Are all the items authentic?
Are out of stock items restocked?
How can I have more information about the size guide?
The product I received has a manufacturing defect. What do I do?
What is the meaning of the icons shown on the items?
Product Customization
Product Customization
What does product customization consist of?
How long will it take to receive my personalized item?
Can I purchase a personalized product on delivery?
Can I return a customized product?
What are the payment methods that can be used to purchase from your website?
Is it possible to make an installment payment?
Is it possible to make a postponed payment?
When will my credit card be charged?
I'm having issues with Paypal, Klarna and/or Scalapay and I can't make the purchase.
I want to check the status of my order
I have made a payment, but have not received a confirmation email. Was the order successful?
By when is it possible to change an order?
Is it possible to cancel an order?
Can I change the size or add an item to an already shipped order?
I placed an order on the old website. How do I proceed?
I placed an order. How long is the delivery time?
What are the shipping costs?
I entered the wrong shipping address. What do I do?
Can I redirect the delivery to another address?
What happens if I'm not at home at the time of delivery?
The package that I received is damaged. What do I do?
Returns & refunds
Returns & refunds
Is it possible to make a return?
Can I make a return in store?
Can I check the status of my return?
By when will I receive the refund?
What are the shipping costs for a return?
My return has not been picked up by the courier.
I want to make an exchange
I have to return an item purchased on the old website. How do I proceed?
Gift Card
Gift Card
I would like to purchase a Gift Card on CoccoleBimbi
Can I buy multiple Gift Cards of the same amount?
Does the Gift Card have an expiration date?
Can I use the Gift Card in the store?
I have a voucher/gift card created on the old website: can I still use it?
Personal details
Personal details
Is it necessary to register to make a purchase on CoccoleBimbi?
How can I create an account?
I forgot the password
I have an account created on the old website. Can I still use it?